Awards and Badges
Cadets wear awards on their brassards. These awards and badges are a symbol of the individual cadet’s achievements and skill that they have attained throughout their cadet career.
Badges of Skill
* For more information on the Duke of Edinburgh programme, visit www.dofehillary.org.nz/partner/new-zealand-cadet-forces.
Training Qualification Badges
Basic 1 Training
Awarded on the completion of Basic 1 Training.
Basic 2 Training
Awarded on the completion of Basic 2 Training.
Proficiency Training
Awarded on the completion of Proficiency Training.
Advanced Training
Awarded on the completion of Advanced Training.
Commendations and Medals
NZCF Commandant's Commendation
Awarded to NZCF personnel for acts of gallantry, bravery or specific courage that, in the opinion of the Commandant, is worthy of recognition but does not merit a higher award. Alternatively, the Commendation may be awarded for a single accomplishment or extraordinary performance of duty over time.
Cadet Forces Medal
Awarded to NZCF Commissioned Officers after 12 years of continuous service in recognition for their dedicated and efficient service to the New Zealand Cadet Forces. A clasp is added after every 8 years of further additional service.
Badge Placement - Brassard
Ensure all your awards are placed correctly on your brassard. If you have any questions, contact your NCOs in the first instance.
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